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2D and 3D Seismic Deepwater Survey Exploratory Activities Offshore Bulgaria /Block Silistar/


The company “Shell Exploration and Production (LIX) B.V.” has been elected the holder of permit for deep-water prospecting and exploration of oil and natural gas in Blocks “1-14 Silistar” in the Black Sea. Neft Oil acts as an exclusive marine agent of CGG Services SA / the company chosen to physically perform the 2D and 3D seismic surveys/ and as a logistics provider to the project.

Description of services:

– Ship agency services of seismic vessels as well as of supply vessels;

– Freight forwarding and customs agency services;

– Agent’s services:

• personnel support services /accommodation, airport transfers, medevac, etc.;

• local purchase of materials;

• equipment and materials handling and storage.

Project Time:

October 2016 – January 2017